Monday, October 5, 2009

Moral Support is Underrated

I don't have many tricks up my sleeve when it comes to working at the land. I'm not handy with an ax and the chainsaw is fairly frightening (Hello...there is a movie named after its violent capabilities). The tractor is my one shot at glory since it only includes about 5 levers and gears, all of which are easily mastered, but hogging this would infringe upon Jeremy's one true joy (manning large machinery) - so it's not worth it. Besides Jeremy still lets me take some of the credit when asked how I spent my weekend. I casually respond to this question with: "Oh, you know..." plucking lint off sleeve, shrugging shoulders, nonchalant sniff...."we mostly just cleared the land." Yea right.

Truth be told, I've taken on the slightly minor role of Chronicler, Moral Supporter, and Gate Opener (not listed in order of importance). In a few weeks, Jeremy will bring his parents enormous RV to the land in order to "rough it" out there for a week and chop down trees instead of going into the office. Because of this gigantic visitor, we (Jer) have been forced to widen the treacherous and narrow road leading to the land. And let me tell you - this is (looks like) incredibly hard work! Basically it involves the removal of many tree stumps, which requires using the tractor. I'm not much use in this department and therefore have relied on my other skills to be helpful.

Mostly I just stay out of the way and photograph the progress....

And the incredible grass growth...

The new flowers that are sprouting...

Along with documenting the growth of the belligerent baby donkey.....

And Rooney's remarkable tiny-ness....

It's at about this moment, after the 52nd picture I've snapped, that Jer notices me lying on my back counting mesquite thorns and tosses me a garbage bag suggesting I start cleaning up the place.

Me?! could I possibly?! On such an empty stomach? With so many gnats? And I didn't actually get much sleep last night. And the dogs probably have had too much of the humidity. There are groceries to buy, clothes to wash. It's actually time to go. But good job up there!! Look at all those stumps you pulled out! Whew! Long day. Time to go.

Works every time.

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