Sunday, December 5, 2010

2nd Anniversary: Animal Edition

(Guess who.)

It's been exactly 2 years since we backed the little trailer up to the round pen, opened the back door, and livestock spilled forth into our lives. Sometimes we ask the other, "How did we used to spend Saturdays?" We don't remember. Whatever it is we did, we're not missing very much.

To all the four legged creatures that have helped transform our lives (head count: Chula, Boo, Seamus, Matilda, Rooney - and now Jezebel, Noni, and Brownie) - thanks guys. You're awfully expensive entertainment but, eh, you're worth it.

Cow stretch.

Cow scratch.

Jezebel before yawn.

(Bookmark this page. Better yet, print this picture. Put it in your wallet. View repeatedly on a bad day. Day = better. Problem solved.)

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