I kept myself busy wandering through the woods collecting rocks suitable for our imaginery fireplace that Jeremy reassured me will someday go inside of a house. He suggested I begin this project, and since I'm kind of a sucker for these sorts of meaningless tasks I happily trotted into the woods in search of "perfect fireplace rocks" (Anyone know what those look like?). This job is right up my alley since I spent lots of time as a kid collecting rocks on the railroad tracks behind my house. But I don't want to give away too much about my exciting childhood, so we'll save that story for another time. By the end of the day, I made great progress, probably too great, seeing as I'll have a lovely fireplace ready about 5 years too soon.
Jeremy's goal has been to clear a path from the potential homesite for a view of the "pond," a term I use loosely as it currently is more of a dusty pit in the middle of scrub. Obviously, we're being optimistic. This work requires the chainsaw, the tractor, and miscellaneous tools that I ask too many questions about which leads to the suggestion that I "go build a fireplace." So he does the clearing alone, is the point I'm trying to make. And works hard enough, apparently, to require a midday nap right there in the dirt with the scorpions, fire ants, and his trusty sidekick.